Call NowNo. 216-6824


Our LocationElpidio M. Gazmen Compound, Gazmen Road, Tagum City

TCCSTFI Offers various of programs/courses

Tagum City College of Science and Technology, Inc.

Offers various of programs/courses

  1. Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVEd)
  2. Automotive Technology
  3. Electrical Technology
  4. Drafting Technology
  5. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  6. Bachelor of Tourism Management

Also, we offers TESDA qualifications such as

  1. Automotive NC II
  2. FBS NC II
  3. Bookkeeping NC III
  4. Electrical Installation NC II
  5. Electrical Installation NC II

The school aims to provide high quality education to students to become an employee equipped with necessary knowledge, skills, work ethics, and other intangible human qualities and become a leader and qualified employees.


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